Monday, August 13, 2007

SunPCI on Solaris 10

Sun say it won't work, and I guess it's not supported. But anyway, so far so good.

Host: SunBlade 100/512MB RAM

  1. Download the SUNWspci_1.3.tar.Z package from

  2. Install it with pkgadd and ignore the OBP error. Of course it helps to have OBP up to date anyway.

  3. Go to /opt/SUNWspci/drivers/solaris and link sunpcidrv.280 to sunpcidrv.2100 ditto the "64" files

  4. Install the drivers with the sunpcload utility in the drivers directory.

  5. Boot the SunPCI card with /opt/SUNWspci/bin/sunpci &

  6. Install the O/S of your choice!


Blogger Germán. said...

Hi. I'm desperately looking for SUNWspci drivers.
I can't find it anywhere on the internet.
Would you be so kind to provide a link.?

Greetings from Argentina

2:19 pm  
Blogger Germán. said...

Hi. I'm desperately looking for SUNWspci drivers.
I can't find it anywhere on the internet.
Would you be so kind to provide a link.?

Greetings from Argentina

2:20 pm  

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